Sonlight Curriculum

Friday, May 11, 2007

Remember Mom

I love Mother's Day. I have been blessed with an amazing Mother and have treasured our relationship every day of my life. She's an incredible woman and Christian. It's nice to have a holiday for which I can find the nicest card Hallmark can make and it still doesn't measure up to the Mother I have.

So, have you purchased or made your Mom something for Mother's Day yet? It's Sunday. For those who have struggled with this earthly relationship, much like I have with my Father, my prayers are with you. I know it's difficult to celebrate when you may be even hurting.

Celebrate the joys Motherhood has brought your own life! It's our turn now. Let's learn from the best role model's we have and thank God for them.

1 comment:

  1. I'm the extremely fortunate Mother that my daughter just wrote about. This is just one more beautifully blessed Mother's Day for me since the day I delivered this, now, twenty-nine year old beautful daughter. Beautiful, not only in appearance, but deep within her heart. She has been the most loving, caring, kind hearted, Godly child and person that anyone could know. I was told in the very early years of her life that she was a special blessing from God, something I already knew and know. She has surely been a blessing to me and has filled my life with such joy and I am so thankful for her along with her two older brothers who have made our family so especially close. Jeremy and Jason appreciate her for the pesty little sister she was back then and for the loving and caring adult sister and Mother she is today. There are simply not enough words to express the delight she has been in my life. I thank God for her daily and know that He has also blessed her life by giving her Abigail and Jackson, two of the sweetest grandchildren a grandma could ever hope for. She and Andy have surely become wonderful parents as displayed in my two magnificent grandchildren. It is unfortunate that I cannot express my thoughts as well as my daughter can, however, believe me, she has always been and remains the "light of my life". Thank you heavenly Father. Jennifer's MOM XOXOXOXOXO
