Sonlight Curriculum

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Birth Days!

This has been an exciting week. For one thing it's been a great break from our normal routine as I visited with my Mom, who lives out of town, on Monday. We met at my Aunt's house and Abigail played with her two little cousins, Jenna (3) & Jacob (2). It was 80 outside and fun was had by all. I love my Mom so much and just love any opportunity are we afforded to get together. She's the most encouraging person in my life. A real-life self help adviser as well and I love and appreciate that about her.

Yesterday some out of town friends came to visit for the day. We went shopping with our kids and had a great time catching up over lunch and dinner's out. No work and all play has been great!

Now my family is just waiting in anxious anticipation for the birth of my brother and his wife's first child. She was due yesterday and the excitement is building. We hope to celebrate her first Easter with her this Sunday. I picked Easter as her arrival date, but her Mum would love it to be this moment! She's the first woman I know to have a water labor where she labors in a pool. I look forward to hearing how it works out.

My dear friend Trisha is also overdue with her second child. She's trying anything she can that is safe to induce her labor. I feel for her as she is so overly ready to welcome her child into the world. It's times like this that I take great joy in knowing that the Lord is in control of all of these things...even labor. I feel like Trisha is my personal example on what to expect for my upcoming second labor. We both had difficult circumstances surrounding the births of our daughters and are praying for kinder, smoother labors the second time around.

Please say a prayer for these ladies and their upcoming labors if you're reading this.

I love birth stories so feel free to share if you would like...especially any encouragement you may have for other expecting Moms.

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